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The automobile marketplace for the YouTube generation and the future…

Online automobile marketplaces already transformed the automotive industry upon their introduction in 1996 and have optimized the sale of motor vehicles across regional borders. However, since then we have continued to use the same form of listings. is a new beginning. A “video only” platform for the presentation of vehicles. is a new audio visual model to improve the way we buy and sell new and used cars in the future. Sign up now if you too would like to advertise vehicles using video listings in the future.

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First, small insights…

Test drive in Q3 2022…

Vehicle listing evolution:

1889 – 2030


In the year 1898, the Winton Motor Carriage Company published an advertisement in “Scientific American” for their horse-free, hydrocarbon-powered Winton Motor Carriage. The advertisement was the first of its kind and even attracted a customer. Rober Allison from Port Carbon, Pennsylvania was the first person to buy the Winton car after seeing the first automobile listing in the world…


In 1996 the copywriter Vijay Sapre and programmer Ralf Prehn developed the first automobile database in the German speaking internet, known under the name: In the first year the number of listings grew rapidly. Today, is the most visited automobile market in Europe!


Social media is on everyone’s lips in Germany in 2006 and so it doesn’t take long for the first automobile listings and automotive advertisements to arrive on these platforms. It’s no accident that Facebook, in 2017, and Instagram, in 2018, competed to win the favor of automobile vendors with their own automobile trading sections (Automotive Insights)…
Source: The evolution of social media advertising (

2022, as the “video-only” platform for audio visual presentation of automobiles, doesn’t claim to be another traditional automobile marketplace. Rather, it provides a variety of innovative tools and technologies for a more emotional and personalized user experience for everything related to buying a car… buckle up!

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